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usage: ghidriff [-h] [--engine {SimpleDiff,StructualGraphDiff,VersionTrackingDiff}] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [--summary SUMMARY] [-p PROJECT_LOCATION] [-n PROJECT_NAME] [-s SYMBOLS_PATH] [--threaded | --no-threaded] [--force-analysis] [--force-diff] [--no-symbols] [--log-level {CRITICAL,FATAL,ERROR,WARN,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}]
[--file-log-level {CRITICAL,FATAL,ERROR,WARN,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] [--log-path LOG_PATH] [--va] [--min-func-len MIN_FUNC_LEN] [--use-calling-counts USE_CALLING_COUNTS] [--max-ram-percent MAX_RAM_PERCENT] [--print-flags] [--jvm-args [JVM_ARGS]] [--sxs] [--max-section-funcs MAX_SECTION_FUNCS]
[--md-title MD_TITLE]
old new [new ...]

ghidriff - A Command Line Ghidra Binary Diffing Engine

positional arguments:
old Path to old version of binary '/somewhere/bin.old'
new Path to new version of binary '/somewhere/'. (For multiple new binaries add oldest to newest)

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--engine {SimpleDiff,StructualGraphDiff,VersionTrackingDiff}
The diff implementation to use. (default: VersionTrackingDiff)
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
Output path for resulting diffs (default: ghidriffs)
--summary SUMMARY Add a summary diff if more than two bins are provided (default: False)

Extendend Usage

There are quite a few options here, and some complexity. Generally you can succeed with the defaults, but you can override the defaults as needed. One example might be to increase the JVM RAM used to run Ghidra to enable faster analysis of large binaries (--max-ram-percent 80). See help for details of other options.

Show Extended Usage
Ghidra Project Options:
Ghidra Project Path (default: ghidra_projects)
-n PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME
Ghidra Project Name (default: ghidriff)
-s SYMBOLS_PATH, --symbols-path SYMBOLS_PATH
Ghidra local symbol store directory (default: symbols)

Engine Options:
--threaded, --no-threaded
Use threading during import, analysis, and diffing. Recommended (default: True)
--force-analysis Force a new binary analysis each run (slow) (default: False)
--force-diff Force binary diff (ignore arch/symbols mismatch) (default: False)
--no-symbols Turn off symbols for analysis (default: False)
Set console log level (default: INFO)
Set log file level (default: INFO)
--log-path LOG_PATH Set ghidriff log path. (default: ghidriff.log)
--va, --verbose-analysis
Verbose logging for analysis step. (default: False)
--min-func-len MIN_FUNC_LEN
Minimum function length to consider for diff (default: 10)
--use-calling-counts USE_CALLING_COUNTS
Add calling/called reference counts (default: True)

JVM Options:
--max-ram-percent MAX_RAM_PERCENT
Set JVM Max Ram % of host RAM (default: 60.0)
--print-flags Print JVM flags at start (default: False)
--jvm-args [JVM_ARGS]
JVM args to add at start (default: None)

Markdown Options:
--sxs Include side by side code diff (default: False)
--max-section-funcs MAX_SECTION_FUNCS
Max number of functions to display per section. (default: 200)
--md-title MD_TITLE Overwrite default title for markdown diff (default: None)